Why WSIF was initiated

Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, stress are associated with significant burden of morbidity and mortality. In most of the countries, women suffer the most and have to deal with poor mental health status due to their multiple roles, poverty, hunger and most importantly due to gender discrimination. Women are integral to all respect of society.  The multiple roles that women play in society expose them to a greater risk of experiencing mental disorders than others in the community.

Statistics show that depression is predicted to be the second leading cause of global disability burden by 2020. According to WHO, among the women, depressive disorders accounts for around 42% of disability compared to the men. On the other hand, 80% of 50 million people affected by violence such as domestic violence, sexual harassment are mostly children and women. Globally, the prevalence rate of violence among the women ranges from 16 % to 50% which is one of the major causes of mental health issues such as depression.

A national survey on mental health among adults in Bangladesh found that approximately 16.1% of adults have mental disorders, and women (19%) have a higher prevalence compared to men (12.9%). But mental health care seeking is lower among women compared to men. A WHO report has identified gender as a factor limiting access to health care in Bangladesh.

A Threat to Women

The current pandemic situation has forced the people around the world to be confined within the four walls and restricted close contacts with each other since the virus spreads through mere contact and respiratory droplets. This has made the interpersonal relationships awful. World’s economic condition has also been adversely affected. These negative impacts are imposing stress, feelings of threat to survival among the vast population which in turns has been victimizing people in many different ways.

Although all the people around the world are encountering its vicious effects, the women are on the front lines. It is very well known that during Ebola and Zika epidemic women suffered a lot. It is not any different for Covid-19 pandemics.

There are some core reasons for the women to be the worst victims to Covid-19

  • Globally 70% of all the health and social services staffs are women which make them most vulnerable for being affected.
  • As most of the victims of domestic violence become trapped within their house all the time with the abusers, the rate of domestic violence has been raised during this pandemic.
  • The burden of taking care of all the family members all day long.
  • Divorce rate has been increased around the world. China reported an alarming divorce rate during the lockdown. Even if Saudi Arabia showed 30% increase in the divorce rate compared to the same period on 2019. This condition is making the life of economically dependent women horrible.

The picture of Bangladesh is same as it is for the rest of the world in fact in some case more terrible

  • 5% of Bangladeshi nursing professionals in 2017 are women. This percentage is not very much different from the recent years. This huge percentage takes them to a position where they might be affected by the virus more than males.
  • Many men of our country work in the middle east. Current situation has made them come back to the country which makes them loss of livelihood. This financial burden influence them to torture their spouse physically and mentally which results in increase of domestic violence during this COVID-19 situation.
  • Also because of the lockdown situation the small scale female entrepreneurs become unable to conduct their business. Other working women have to involve in their work from home activities because of which they have to take the load of work from inside and outside home which constitutes the reason for them to become burned out.

The role of WSIF

The team WSIF is working relentlessly for supporting the women during the COVID-19 situation. WSIF help team members have provided more than 2000 one to one counseling sessions (500 face-to-face, 1500 online) to around 500 clients and currently we have 50 active clients. Besides our Psychosocial supporters has provided mental health aid to around 1000 clients and referred them to the experts for mental health support. We have also successfully conducted Meditation session titled “Stress Breaking Meditation Session” that was availed by more than 15 participants who has later on express their interest to avail it again.