WSIF “Affinity Card” is an affinity membership card which offers an amazing list of benefits and discounts from all our collaborators. (Find the offers below). 

If you want to collaborate with us

Online counseling sessions

In this COVID crisis period, WSIF psychologists are providing online based counseling sessions with a minimum charge for all.

Face to face counseling sessions

● WSIF Personal support session- 20% Discount
● Identity Inclusion- free
● Kan Pete Roi- free
● Freedom Within
● Maya- free

Special Discounts

Restaurants and foods

Happy Cart– 7% Discount
Chocolateওয়ালী – 5% Discount (except keto bars and brownie tub)
• Hello Dhaka- 20% Discount


Fashion (Clothing, Shoes & Jewellery)

Wearhouse– 10%
Disha’s Road Block– 10%
• In Your Budget- 10%
BDMart– 5%
Kumudinir Boshon– 5% (except imported products)
দিপাংসু বাই ‍ সুস্মিতা– 5%
• Farhana’s Dream-5%
আলেখ্য– 5% 
Yellow Ginger Pot– 10%
আঁচল কুচি– 5%
• Labonno Style- 10%
Purple Box– 5%
Fauji– 5-10%
Kheya– 10%
Luxor BD– 5%
শাড়িতে নারী– 5%
AURUM Bangladesh-15%
F & C (Fashion and Click)– 10%
Hermizon– 10%
Glory Mart– 5%
Nur– 5%
Zahra World– 8%
Abstracts– 5%
• Konnasundori- 5%
Her Attire by Ananya– 5%
তিহাইর খামখেয়ালী– 5%

Beauty and Skincare

GALA Makeover Studio & Salon – Special Discount
My Wardrobe BD – 10% Discount
Xoxo Ltd. – 5% Discount

How to avail
WSIF Affinity Card?

Fill out the form and get registered to avail the WSIF Affinity Card.