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Yoga is basically an activity which helps in maintaining physical fitness as well as mental peace. Practising yoga is known to improve flexibility, balance, endurance and physical strength. Yoga is not about self-improvement; it is about self-acceptance. Self-acceptance is about realizing that there isn’t anything you can do but accept the current circumstances.

Benefits of Yoga:

  1. Improves physical flexibility.
  2. Relieve back pain
  3. Assist with symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
  4. Improves immunity
  5. Weight loss
  6. Stress reduction
  7. Cures a hangover
  8. Improves heart rate
  9. Combat migraines
  10. Regulates digestion.

The goal of Yoga and meditation is all about controlling our mind and thoughts. Yoga takes us into the present moment which is the only place where life exists. On the contrary the gift of learning to meditate is the greatest gift we can give ourselves in this lifetime.


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